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Posts posted by Funkcanna

  1. 3 hours ago, NeilES335 said:

    Swing? Well... thats a good question. Musicians are always on the hunt for "it" . A common term among Jazz musicians it refers to a "feel" or gut response to the music and the beat. In the case of Minuet in C , a waltz in 3/4 time, ( rythym count 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3,)the Swing would mean putting emphasis on beat 1 of each bar, as a dancer would in taking a step. In other forms like jazz , the " swing"  comes from emphasis on beats 2 and 4 in 4/4 time, etc.   I hope that makes sense.

    Thanks! Yes that makes perfect sense, much appreciated 

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  2. Hi all, im a 37 year old professional photographer living in the United Arab Emirates, and ive always loved all kinds of music.  My primary outlet is through DJing (Techno and House).  Ive tried playing guitar 2 times before this in my life, once at 18 and once at 30.  This is my third attempt!  Ive never gotten past being able to bang out a line of an Oasis song or something.  Ive never learned an entire song not once.  Ive never finger picked, only ever strummed so I am going into the course as a total beginner in terms of playing actual notes.

    I think ive quit in the past because I had no structure to learning.  I would look up a song I like, learn the chords and try to play it only to discover I sucked at it without really knowing why, which killed motivation.  I think this course is just the ticket.  Im almost done with session 4 at the time of writing and just get more enthusiastic as each practice session passes.


    Very glad to be here.


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  3. 7 hours ago, S Bach said:

    I still have a lot of issues with the eighths rests in the bonus workshops string exercises.  When I get a new exercise, they always seem to mess me up and knock me out of rhythm. I know I'll get it down with time, but not sure if this will be something I should have down pat by the end of session 4, or it will take a while for them to become second nature. 

    I’m sticking with the “when to move on” criteria, which doesn’t mention rests, thankfully :)  but I’m with you on that one.  I just try to listen to the actual song and feel the rhythm of the rests at this point.  I can’t look at a sheet of music and play it with the correct rests without hearing it first.  I’m sure it will come though.  If someone told me a month ago I’d be able to read any music whatsoever I’d have called them a liar!

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  4. On 1/16/2019 at 6:31 AM, S Bach said:

    I'm in session 4 and at times I feel exactly the way you do, but part of me (someone can correct me if I'm thinking about this wrong) doesn't think memorizing some of the exercises is all that bad.  By memorizing songs/exercises you are still looking at the notes and associating the correct fingering and tempo and eventually the more exercises you do it will keep building on that past association you have made. You may mess up more at first, but I wasn't long ago I was worried if I was memorizing Yankee Doodle and not reading the music, but I've gotten pretty good (relatively) at recognizing and not getting tripped up by notes on the first 3 strings, so memorizing Yankee Doodle hasn't really hurt me.

    I agree.  I went back to earlier lessons and they were a breeze after session 4 and not even attempting the earlier ones for a while.  

    If anyone is interested ive decided to post vids of the sessions.  I know it really helped me seeing people play these on youtube.  Its definitely far from perfect obviously but I thnk im happy for being 3 weeks into the course (2 of which have been spent solely on session4!!) 100% open to feedback!



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  5. Hey guys, I’m currently on session 4 and have been for around 5 days, trying to learn Minuet in C is tougher than expected but I now have it down albeit with a shaky final bar (I’ve not practiced that as much due to me failing to reach that point for the last few days!).  I’m hoping another couple of days max and I’ll have covered all of the requirements to move on.  Each other session was a day or 2 max so this one has had me worried!  But I think I’m over the worst of it.  I do have a question though...

    im not sure how much of this is my ability to read and play what I see on the sheet music, or what I’m just remembering through repetition.  Is that ok?  

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