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Posts posted by AcousticM

  1. Hey Gang! I ran across this You Tube video of  Tommy Emmanuel playing and singing a blues classic song and at first i did not even realize it was him! Its all in black and white and hes somewhat disguised as an old time blues guitarist. Have a listen i think most of you will enjoy...........AcousticM (Paul)


  2. I have a quick question regarding the new chatroom. 

    Is there a way of telling how many or who is in the chat at any given time?

      I havent used the chat much but sometimes there is no one there to talk with,  but there seems to be no way of knowing that, other than saying hello and waiting for someone to answer? 

    I see there is a list of who is online in the general  forum at the bottom of the page, but i dont see anywhere that tells you the number of people actually in chat? 

    Anyone know ?

    Thanks, Paul (Acoustic M)

  3. On 1/30/2018 at 11:12 AM, Tony cash said:

    Went for a week at a Tommy Emanuel guitar camp. Being a great a player as he is, he was patient and had a fun sense of humour. The experience of a lifetime for me.

    You got to spend a whole week with Tommy?


    That must have been really something. 

    I`d love to see him live sometime he`s a real entertainer.

    • Like 1
  4. Great job on this everyone! Really coming together. 

    I have 2 questions im hoping someone can answer. 

    1. Have you found a way to play the mp3 tracks in the browser without having to download them? I know you asked about that earlier 

    2. I downloaded a couple of the tracks so i could try playing the rhythm along with the drum and bass track, but when i tried to import them into my daw (Studio 1) it says not compatible file? What type of file should it be im wondering? And how would you convert it if you need to? Will the daw program do that?

    Im just newb to Studio One and lots there to figure out for sure. 

    Any help appreciated,  thanks.....Paul

    • Like 1
  5. Just watched this TedX presentation by Tommy Emmanuel where he talks about his life as a "One Man Band" 

    Its from 2014, but if you have not seen it, well worth a look!

    Many consider Tommy to be the best guitar player in the world today and I tend to agree. 


    • Like 3
    • Thanks 3
  6. 15 hours ago, sleepingangel said:

    Okay in all the years I've been here (Aug 2011) I don't think I've ever done this challenge. So this is NEW for me. I used an Older guitar and I haven't really been playing too much guitar due to arthritis so playing guitar feels new to me. Also I decided to do something a  little different and I only used the open D chord for the backing picking part and then only the 5th and 7th fret for the "lead" if you will. I plugged my older Godin 2013 into Logic Pro X and hit record.I used the Godin nylon for 3 tracks!  I also used for one track a "new" Baritone Ukulele. 

    I call it Repentance on a D chord because today's Mass was in honor of my mom Angelica who will be gone 3 years on Valentine's Day and my dad had a mass today (and for the next year or so every month) and the homily was about repentance and of course it's all on the D chord...

    Thanks for the challenge and thanks for listening~~





    Maria that was just lovely! Reminds me of many of your previous posts way back when! You know you can re-post older recordings yes? ?

    Those of us that have been around awhile always enjoyed your music.

    Keep them coming! 

    AcousticM (Paul)

  7. 6 hours ago, IanD said:

    Here is my contribution for this month.

    I bought a Udemy course 'Audio + Music Production in Logic Pro X' in the Black Friday sale and have been slowly working through it. I have to say that it's brilliant, I'm having lot's of 'so that's what that function is for' and 'so that's how you do it' moments. I thoroughly recommend the course if you have Logic Pro X. 

    Anyway, this month I decided to submit a multi-track effort to practice and apply some of what I've learned (before I forget it all).



    Ian, that is quite a good production! I have been climbing that big learning curve with my new Presonus audio interface and Studio 1 software, so I have a good idea of the time and effort that went into that! Great job on every part of it!

  8. I know exactly what you are going through! I have a pinky that seems to like flying on its own no matter how hard i tell it to settle down. 

    Stangely enough though, it seems worse at slower speeds. I have found that concentration and repetition seems to  be the key to getting it under control so far. 



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