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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/12/2021 in all areas

  1. Well played Henk! I enjoyed listening... You played every note clearly, and accurately. Now you've done this, my suggestion would be to work on playing more smoothly, so the tune flows through each phrase. Bravo on the recording, especially being your your first (or among the first) you've done. I know it's a leap, and learning Reaper is a pretty big challenge, as Wim points out. I've recorded about a dozen songs with it and the Scarlet 2i2 interface, and have only scratched the surface of what it can do. (I dont think you need to know it all to produce a good recording) You imported a nice backing track, and got your sound levels and timing just right, so well done on that too! Your guitar has a nice tone as well. Keep it up!
    1 point

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