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Blog Comments posted by DianeB

  1. @Nancy Lawing It includes playing time, but I figure the jams and handful of performances total less than 300 hours. It includes time studying theory (820 hours). And it's worth noting that several authors have pointed out that Anders Ericsson's 10,000 hours of deliberate practice to mastery (popularized in Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers) is something of a red herring; it's an average. I don't see anything magical about the figure, and some of my practice is not so deliberate. I haven't had a teacher over my shoulder for three years, now. As Ericsson stresses, that counts. What's magical is having some way of keeping yourself accountable.

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  2. Ron, you might look into having OBD installed (On Board Diagnostics). These are some common error messages. — Diane

    0000 Tuning error
    0001 No root
    0002 Wrong octave
    0006 Wrong third
    0008 Wrong guitarist
    0101 Cowboy chord
    0205 Unsympathetic wife/husband/dog
    0222 Played through repeat sign
    0224 Ignored modulation
    0404 Note not found
    0986 Cold hands
    2000-4999 Miscellaneous operator error
    5555 Power chord overflow
    8005 Three sharps and two flats/full house
    9998 Replace strings
    9999 Replace operator

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