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Everything posted by Strings

  1. I guess it’s an electric guitar.
  2. Diane you have some great pdf’s on your link!
  3. Thanks for the listens Diane and Doug. I hope you both are enjoying your guitar journey 😀
  4. Here’s my rendition of Session 10 Intro. Next up will be Canon in D. https://on.soundcloud.com/dKZ1VXvbXdQ3zpau9
  5. Looks great. Curious how you monitor temp and humidity?
  6. I would say yes. Learning the notes and where they appear and what it looks like would be necessary going forward. Congrats on getting to this point. Your hard work is paying off.
  7. Nairon congrats on getting to Session 11. The article link below might be helpful to you. https://findyourmelody.com/major-vs-minor-scales-differences/
  8. Working on this piece of music. Part of the fun is working out the fingering, lining up all the fingers with their assignments 😀. I hope to post a recording when done.
  9. I was watching a Live Lesson Guitar Success - Ask a Pro Questions & Answers and Steve mentioned we spend lots of time gathering knowledge but not enough time applying what we’ve gathered. That was a golden nugget of wisdom for where I am in my guitar journey. I highly recommend this live lesson.
  10. Good info. Thanks for sharing. Steve covers this topic well in his L&M course.
  11. It might be worth checking out https://classical.guitarcorneracademy.com/ This will take you from very beginning to advanced in the classical/fingerstyle method.
  12. Looks good. Thanks for sharing.
  13. My friend gave me his 70’s Alvarez Yairi DY68 12-string as a gift. Never had a 12 string. Sounds great.
  14. Thanks Doug. I am one of those old learners, going back to 2008 prior to Gibson entering the picture. I have made it to about session 17 but have been on a Classical Guitar focus the last several years. I plan to finish grade 5 in classical guitar in early spring 2023 and then resume L&M until completed.
  15. Thanks. I have read that thread with Steve's words of wisdom. Very motivating and helpful. I am still wondering if someone out there has ever spent the time tying together all the various streams of Steve's teaching. Using as a foundation the various sessions of L&M Guitar and then synching those sessions to similar/expanded teaching found in his Fretboard Workouts and Live YouTube lessons would be a powerhouse of comprehensive/cohesive teaching. Perhaps I will need to do this myself?
  16. Hi All, I was wondering if anyone has ever tied all of Steve’s teachings together? Has anyone ever taken the sessions from Gibson’s L&M Guitar and synced them up with his videos on YouTube and his fretboard workout videos? If someone is working his way through the 20 sessions of Gibson’s L&M Guitar and could then tap into any of the YouTube and Fretboard Workout videos for additional support it would be an ever-growing body of instruction. Thanks for any feedback.
  17. Quitter, camper or climber. I think STEVE said something to this effect about learning. welcome back to the climb 👍😀
  18. Sorry to read this. His legacy lives on through his work.
  19. I am just learning more about trills and mordants along my journey. Thanks for posting.

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